Dietrich M. Scheringer hat für die Routine SNE KAO unter Processing realisiert …

Hier ist der Quellcode:

/** Sne Comp Art: Routine SNE KAO

originally developed in 1976 by Reiner Schneeberger
recoded in Processing in 2013 by Dietrich M. Scheringer
version 3.0


void setup() // Setting up the area for drawing
size(400,600); // defines the dimension of the display window in units of pixels
background(0); // backround colour: black
stroke(255); // colour of the lines: white
noLoop(); // execute method draw only once

void draw()
/* Parameters for snekao */

float startx = 20.; // starting point in direction of x-axis
float starty = 60.; // starting point in direction of y-axis
float anzinx = 6.; // number of fields in direction of x-axis
float anziny = 12.; // number of fields in direction of y-axis
float feldlx = 50.; // field lenght in direction of x-axis
float feldly = 30.; // field length in direction of y-axis

float anzstr = 10.; // number of lines per field
float pwaag = 40.; // percentage of fields filled with horizontal lines
float psenk = 55.; // percentage of fields filled with vertical lines
// pwaag + psenk <= 100. !

snekao(startx, starty, anzinx, anziny, feldlx, feldly, anzstr, pwaag, psenk);

void snekao(float startx, float starty, float anzinx, float anziny, float feldlx, float feldly, float anzstr, float pwaag, float psenk)

float strtx = 0.; // local variables
float strty = 0.;
float start = 0.;
float delta = 0.;
float h = 0.;

int istr = round(abs(anzstr));
int inx = round(abs(anzinx));
int iny = round(abs(anziny));
float pdicht = pwaag + psenk;

if (istr == 0)
pdicht = 0.;

for (int i=1; i <= iny; i++)
strty = float(i-1)*feldly + starty;
for (int j=1; j <= inx; j++)
strtx = float(j-1)*feldlx + startx;
h = random(0.00001,100.);
if (h > pdicht)
continue; // next loop
else if (h > pwaag)
delta = feldlx/float(istr);
start = strtx;
for (int k=1; k <= istr; k++)
line(start, strty+feldly,start, strty);
start += delta;
delta = feldly/float(istr);
start = strty;
for (int m=1; m <= istr; m++)
start += delta;
} // end of if … else if … else …
} // end of inner for-loop
} // end of outer for-loop
} // end of snekao

Dieser Code geht in Processing direkt. Dazu die Software von downloaden. Dann den SNEKAO “Scetch” laden und los geht es.


Das Ganze sieht dann etwa so aus:


Zum Vergrößern einfach auf das Bild klicken.

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