We will work on a package in English where you find the information on a single PDF. Feel free to make a copy then and distribute it to friends and artists 🙂

For now we offer the information via facebook: http://facebook.com/recodeart

Just join and give us a “LIKE” 🙂


When you click on the page facebook recently shows “page not existing”. What the heck is going on there? Is there a pattern behind? Things come, things go. There is indeed a deeper reason behind:

Virtual meets Real, Real meets Virtual. If you pay a campaign you can do this with a virtual name, like Art Blue. If you don’t do your account is taken off — because you are not real.  [Art Blue was deleted even being a trademark artblue.me ].

Not Sand, Not Sound is real. It is on Amazon, written by traveler3326. Take the real deal in Art.


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